Legal Disclaimer & Misrepresentation Act 1967 Notice
a) The Client Decision Pack, which may contain specific terms and conditions that are additional to, or may vary, from the standard CRF.
b) The Client Reservation Form (CRF) which all clients are required to acknowledge agreement to prior to entering into any business with Aston Eaves.
c) The Client Contract Form (CCF) which all clients are required to acknowledge agreement to prior to entering into any business with Aston Eaves.
The Client Contract Form (CCF) contains disclaimers and restriction of warranties that apply to this and any other property presentation from Aston Eaves. This is not an offer to solicit investment, but a presentation of available property.
Aston Eaves does not provide financial or investment advice in relation to whether a property is suitable or appropriate for any particular investor. We strongly recommend that the client takes appropriate professional advice before entering into any contract to purchase property of any description, including this one.
Aston Eaves hereby gives notice that:- 1) We have prepared sales particulars as a general guide and they do not constitute any part of an offer or a contract. 2) All descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition, necessary permissions for use in occupation are made without responsibility on the part of Aston Eaves. 3) None of the statements contained in these particulars are to be relied on as statements of representations of fact. 4) We have not carried out a survey nor tested the service, appliances or specific fittings. Room sizes should not be relied upon for carpets and furnishings and any intending purchaser or lessee must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars. 5) Aston Eaves does not make or give nor any persons in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relations to a property. 6) If there are any important matters which are likely to affect your decision to buy, please contact us before purchasing. 7) No liability is accepted for any travelling or other expenditure incurred, including legal costs by prospective Purchasers in viewing the property or making further enquiries, that may have been sold, let, withdrawn or subsequently let or sold to a third party.
© COPYRIGHT 2013 Aston Eaves. All rights reserved worldwide. This document may not be copied, distributed or made available without the written consent of Aston Eaves except to any authorised professional advisors of the investor who has received this document as a result of being on the client mailing list of Aston Eaves.
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